This seminar will focus on existing buildings and how they should comply, alterations and the five elements required to be upgraded to meet the Standards once an area containing a primary function is altered.

Abadi Accessibility serves the building community as an accessibility specialist and offers plan reviews, building inspections, site assessments, training and education to their clients.
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$35.00 |
A workplace is a complicated space when it comes to understanding the requirements for accessibility. Some spaces are exempted while some require full access. This seminar gives an overview of what requirements exist in the ADA about work areas and when the ADA Standards apply.
$35.00 |
In the 2010 ADA/ABA Standards for Accessible Design, the U.S. Access Board added requirements for residential facilities. These requirements are not for multi-family housing projects or for single family housing, but housing required to be accessible by the ADA and ABA. This course will explain the difference between the ADA and FHA requirements and teach about the technical requirements for each Standard. And will make it more clear how the ADA and the other accessibility standards make residential facilities more accessible.
$35.00 |
This session will offer a graphic side-by-side comparison of the technical standards from the 1991 and the 2010 versions of the ADAAG. It will explain the timeline of the new guidelines, detailing they take effect and when they will become mandatory. The class will also cover new sections and new elements with which compliance will be required. Focus will also be given on how this affects Texas and the Texas Accessibility Standards.
$35.00 |