In this one-hour course, we explore the constantly evolving concepts of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ). These two terms have been around for years but have gained newfound importance due to the pandemic. We will review design standards related to IAQ and IEQ, with a focus on the nine foundations of a Healthy Building. We will identify HVAC products that are relevant to IAQ and IEQ and the important role thermal comfort and sound play in achieving Healthy Building certifications.

Rheem Commercial Air represents a family of brands that provide heating and cooling solutions in a diverse range of Commercial applications. Manufactured in Fort Smith, Arkansas, Rheem Commercial Air has research, design, manufacturing, and innovative learning facilities throughout North America with products available nationwide through our extensive distributor network. Products are designed using our unique 360+1 Design Philosophy that embodies our commitment to examine every aspect of all products we develop from every angle to ensure we design with performance, installability, serviceability, and durability in mind.
Take One Of Our Online Course(s) Now!
Specifying a sustainable HVAC system is essential for achieving a more efficient, comfortable, durable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly built environment. In this course, our team discusses why design professionals should specify sustainably manufactured HVAC products that help reduce waste, decrease carbon emissions, and save energy. We review how sustainable HVAC systems can contribute to the LEED v4.1 BD+C rating system and reduce environmental impacts.
Since the early 1600s when a Dutch engineer invented the world’s first regulator for keeping incubators heated at a constant temperature to keep eggs warm and hatch them into baby chicks, the automation of commercial buildings has come a long way. With the advent of DDC, the internet, multiple protocols, and the cloud, building controls advanced even further in its ability to improve building performance and occupant comfort.
The battle to maintain temperature and humidity within critical zones has given HVAC engineers headaches for years—but not anymore! Join us in this one-hour course as we discuss the effects of poor temperature and humidity control on the building and its occupants, as well as the main zone variables and how to balance these attributes. Participants will learn how technology can provide a neutral air zone in the most sustainable and efficient manner to provide a predictable indoor environment.
Overlooking the smallest detail in HVAC systems design can cause huge issues later. Join us in this one-hour course as we discuss HVAC systems as it relates to thermal comfort, the ever evolving changes to energy requirements that impact HVAC systems and the factors that impact durability, sustainability and longevity. Participants will evaluate HVAC systems with a focus on leading technology that optimizes comfort, energy efficiency and code compliance that is redefining thermal comfort, performance and product longevity today.
The efficiency of a facility’s water heating system is vital to not only the building’s daily operation but also to the comfort of its occupants. Join us in this one-hour course as we discuss how to estimate hot water demands and determine the capacity requirements for the water heating system in a high use facility. Participants will learn how to calculate the thermal efficiency of water heating systems, as well as how to specify higher efficiency equipment that reduces operating costs and energy consumption.
Request One Of Our Lunch & Learn Presentations Below!
Breathing Freely: How HVAC Systems can Enhance Indoor Environmental and Air Quality
Building Sustainable Spaces: HVAC Solutions That Reduce Environmental Impacts
Exceptional Outcomes: How Building Automation Systems Can Increase Performance
Maintaining Temperature & Humidity in Critical Zones
Thermal Comfort, Unpacked: A Comprehensive Survey of HVAC Systems to Improve Design and Operational Understandings