A Green Alternative to Surface Finishing: “Powder Coating”
About the Provider
TIGER develops and produces strictly environment friendly high quality products, which meet state of the art standards. Their products are made to be eco-friedly while maintaining quality.
Course questions/comments
Learning Objectives:
- Define powder coating and understand the difference between powder coating and liquid coating systems in terms of environmental impact, technology, and application process
- Describe how powder coating offers a significantly lower total carbon footprint when compared to other architectural coating system options
- Identify the impact of coating film thickness on CO2 emissions and its effect on occupants and installers
- Discuss how the prolonged durability and longevity of a coating system positively impacts the environment and people
- Review sustainability credits that directly apply to the utilization of powder coating on your project
Provided By:
Available Regions:
Continental US
Design Category:
(09) Finishes