WELLv2: Advancing Human Health and Well-Being
GreenCE’s mission is to support the necessary transition to a sustainable built environment by empowering design professionals to address the environmental, economic, and social impacts of buildings. GreenCE’s course catalog includes LEED exam preparation, continuing education to maintain your AIA or LEED credential, as well as specialty education focused on topics such as ADA/Barrier-Free requirements. We are committed to designing the highest quality continuing education programs in the construction industry.
In this presentation, we explore the WELL Building Standard and how it can advance human health and well-being. WELL v2 is an evidence-based, technically robust, resilient rating system that can help design professionals create inspiring and healthy buildings. Our team discusses the ten concepts of WELL v2 and performance testing that can help improve occupant health. We examine WELL certified projects and their attributes that make them healthy buildings. This introductory course is aimed at design professionals who want a basic overview of the WELL Building Standard.
- Review the WELL Building Standard and how it can help enhance human health and well-being for occupants by integrating design and operational protocols that are based on leading academic research on human health
- Discuss the ten concepts of the WELL Building Standard and how they can improve the physical environment and human health by improving indoor air quality, thermal comfort, and daylighting
- Identify WELL project types, discuss project scoring, and describe how performance verification can improve the well-being of building occupants by increasing features that promote ventilation, mental health, and acoustic performance
- Examine WELL certified projects and their attributes that advance human health and well-being so that design professionals can implement strategies to improve indoor air quality, reduce hazardous materials, and provide restorative opportunities