Improving and Prolonging the Performance of Finished Concrete Floors
PROSOCO is a national manufacturer of products for cleaning, protecting and maintaining concrete; making building envelopes air- and water-tight; and cleaning, protecting and restoring new and existing masonry buildings. We strive to provide innovative products and services that improve the appearance and performance of our built environment. Since its founding in 1939, the company has excelled at the innovation and development of superior products and services for the construction industry. The United States Capitol Building, Grand Central Station, the World Trade Plaza, the Smithsonian Institute, Jacobs Field. PROSOCO products are a part of constructing, restoring, and preserving our present and our past.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm EDT
This overview of concrete floor basics shows participants how to get the most from finished concrete floors. Along the way it discusses levels of finish, hardening-densifying and other aspects of finished concrete flooring not commonly known. The program also shows how to protect and maintain finished concrete flooring. It includes tips for protecting finished floors from damage during building construction.
- Describe how a polished concrete floor “performs.”
- Summarize the procedure for creating polished concrete floors.
- Name the two main types of protective treatments.
- Explain how regular maintenance contributes to prolonged performance of polished concrete floors.
- Name the two most important concepts in spill removal.
- Explain how a “Concrete Floor Protection Plan” aids in prolonging concrete floor performance.