The Spec Shaman - Getting Specified
Building product manufacturers who want to get specified by architects can find strategies and suggestions in our weekly blog posts. Building product specification is crucial for manufacturers and our team offers the best resources available. Blog post topics include: 3 part CSI guide specifications, AIA continuing education, and building product rep training. Building product manufacturers who want to get their products specified can check our platform every week for valuable information about the AEC industry. Guest bloggers are always welcome. Please contact us for submission information and requirements.
On: Oct 4, 2019
According to the USGBC, a circular economy captures the benefits of materials during their life span and keeps them in circulation for as long as possible. To achieve a circular economy, building materials need to be durable, maintained, repaired when broken, reused at end of life, and be integrated into closed recycling loops. A circular economy aims to decrease costs, embodied carbon and stress on natural resources and ecosystems. |
On: Sep 11, 2019
The Miami Business School, located on the University of Miami Coral Cables campus, has achieved LEED Gold Certification for Existing Building Operations & Maintenance (EBOM) as designated by the US Green Building Council (USGBC) for its environmental performance and sustainable operations. Created by the U.S. |
On: Aug 29, 2019
The USGBC awarded the Moda Center in Portland, OR it’s prestigious LEED v4.1 O+M Platinum Certification. The 19,393-seat Moda Center is home to the NBA team the Trailblazers. The venue is the first existing arena to earn LEED Platinum Certification in 2019 after receiving LEED Gold Recertification in 2015 and becoming the first existing professional sports arena in the world to receive LEED Gold status in 2010. |
On: Aug 27, 2019
Over the last 60 years, the number of jobs requiring an occupational license, or government approval to practice a profession, has increased from about 1-in-20 to almost 1-in-4. |
On: Aug 23, 2019
How To Get Specified By The Top 10 Architecture Firms
Build Design + Construction released their list featuring the top AEC firms for 2018 based on revenue. The information for each firm is based on input from individual firms and verified for accuracy. We will review the top ten architecture firms and how building product manufacturers may implement strategies to get specified by them. |
On: Aug 20, 2019
LEED v4.1 will be an effective tool to help reduce water waste around the world. According to the United Nations, more than 2 billion people are living with the risk of reduced access to freshwater. Every day almost 1,000 children die to preventable water and sanitation related diseases. How can LEED v4.1 help conserve water and what can building product manufacturers do to help the cause? |
On: Aug 12, 2019
Currently, LEED v4.1 is being tested as a beta ratings system in the AEC industry. Project teams have the ability to test the LEED v4.1 beta system and offer feedback to the USGBC. Although, there is no official release date for the final version of LEED v4.1, we can examine three factors that will impact building product specification upon its release. |
On: Aug 9, 2019
Berkeley, California has become the first city in the US to ban the installation of natural gas lines in new homes. In July, the City Council voted unanimously to ban natural gas in new buildings, beginning with homes and small apartment buildings. The ordinance will take effect January 1, 2020. |
On: Aug 5, 2019
In the poem, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, Samuel Taylor Coleridge laments “Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink,” expressing his grief over being surrounded by saltwater while unable to quench the thirst of himself and his crewmates. Similarly, the Earth and its inhabitants are becoming increasingly more vulnerable to water. |
On: Jul 23, 2019
Building products play a crucial role in the LEED ratings system. The Materials & Resources (MR) credit category focuses on minimizing the embodied energy and other impacts associated with the extraction, processing, transport, maintenance, and disposal of building materials. How can building product manufacturers shape and improve future versions of LEED? Let’s find out . . . |
GreenCE offers AIA HSW online continuing education, LEED online courses, ADA online courses, and LEED Exam Prep. GreenCE helps design professionals obtain their AIA HSW hours, LEED-specific hours, barrier-free hours, and IDCEC CE hours. The website delivers LEED Exam Prep for the LEED Green Associate exam, LEED BD+C exam, and LEED O+M exam. The online LEED certification courses educate architects, engineers, interior designers, contractors, and students.
GreenCE is a USGBC Education Partner that offers the only free LEED exam prep in the country. The LEED certification course includes a free LEED exam study guide, free LEED practice questions, and LEED certification tips and strategies. In addition, GreenCE offers free courses for LEED APs to obtain their LEED BD+C hours, LEED ID+C hours, and LEED O+M hours. Most GBCI courses are free and in video format.
GreenCE is an AIA Education Provider and offers free AIA online courses. The free AIA courses are sponsored by building product manufacturers. In addition, the platform offers barrier-free ADA courses for Texas and California architects. Texas barrier-free online courses and California Accessibility courses meet state requirements. TX ADA courses and CA ADA courses are created by the top ADA experts in the country.
Building product manufacturers can get specified by using GreenCE services. GreenCE develops AIA and LEED courses for product manufacturers to educate architects. The online architect courses help build brand awareness about building products. In addition, GreenCE hosts manufacturer webinars for 200-300 architects at a time. The AIA webinars and LEED webinars are free for architects who can learn about various products.
Finally, GreenCE helps manufacturers develop Health Product Declarations (HPDs), LEED v4 product documentation, mindful MATERIALS documentation, Google Portico documentation, and Declare Labels. We value our relationships with design professionals and building product manufacturers. They are crucial to our success.