Easy to install fall protection where it matters most! Join us for this one-hour course on safety railing systems. Steel made and sustainable, this course will illustrate the benefits of fall prevention measures with these safety systems centered on ease of installation and project integration. Modular, ballasted and...
Tom Dillon

Technical Director
Tom is a 35-year safety industry veteran, currently with Safety Rail Company. He has worked with distributors and trained end-users, engineers and architects at the regional, national and international level throughout his career. He is a 25-year veteran of the fire service, currently serving as a Lieutenant on Rescue Squad 8126 of the Washington Volunteer Fire Company, the longest running continuous volunteer fire department in the state of Missouri. Tom resides in Washington Missouri, just West of St Louis, with his beautiful wife Tina of 33 years, he has two adult children, who have long left home for their own promising careers.
Register For One Of My Upcoming Webinars!
Monday, April 21, 2025 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm EDT
Presented By Tom Dillon