In this course we describe how project teams can use Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for LEED v4.1 projects. Our team describes the environmental impacts referenced in EPDs and how these impacts may affect the planet and its inhabitants. We discuss how EPDs can contribute to the LEED v4.1 BD+C, ID+C, and O+M ratings systems to create sustainable buildings.

LEED General Courses
The free AIA online courses are sponsored by product manufacturers to meet your AIA continuing education requirements. The GBCI General Hour courses meet LEED AP requirements and LEED Green Associate CE hours. All of the AIA continuing education courses are also AIA HSW courses. Course topics include LEED certification, Health Product Declarations (HPDs), and green building strategies. Once you have completed the AIA online courses and LEED online courses, we will report your CE credits automatically. GreenCE is an AIA Education Provider and USGBC Education Partner.
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GreenCE, Inc.
$45.00 |
The choices we make when specifying building materials can have significant effects on the planet and human health. The world is facing cataclysmic issues such as climate destabilization, pollution, biodiversity loss, deforestation, and greenhouse gases. Construction produces vast volumes of waste and consumes colossal amounts of energy. Design professionals can make a difference in minimizing the damage to the environment and human health by selecting better building materials.
$45.00 |
With our world facing unprecedented water scarcity and supply issues, designers and influencers are prioritizing water conserving strategies. In this one-hour course, learners will evaluate water efficiency strategies for flush and flow fixtures, identify uses for nonpotable water, and address optimal operation of process systems including cooling towers.
$35.00 |
In this one-hour course, the participant will discover how to reduce building water use by increasing efficiency and reducing potable water consumption for LEED BD+C projects. We address water consumed by fixtures, fittings, appliances, equipment, and processes including cooling towers. We also perform water use calculations, and apply these strategies to achieve points for LEED BD+C projects.
$35.00 |
In this course, the participant will discover how to address social equity within the project team, as it applies to the LEED Social Equity Pilot Credits. We will discuss ways to think about social equity and the specific criteria and documentation required for the credit.
$35.00 |
The world is in grave danger. Climate destabilization, rampant industrialization, environmental destruction, pollution, and species extinction are problems significantly impacting our natural world. The environmental movement was launched to protect our natural world, reduce pollution, and to protect animal and plant diversity. This documentary will focus on neglected pioneers in the environmental movement as well as a few well known figures.
$35.00 |
Pass the LEED AP BD+C exam through this exciting in-depth review of the LEED v4 rating system. This online anytime course includes a LEED study guide, LEED practice questions, study sheets, and a Certificate of Completion for 8 AIA HSW Hours. The program includes tips and study methods to pass the LEED AP exam the first time. Learn from the #1 USGBC Education Partner. This LEED training was developed by the industry's top experts.
$229.00 |
Pass the LEED AP BD+C exam through this exciting in-depth review of the LEED v4 rating system. This online anytime course includes a LEED study guide, LEED practice questions, study sheets, and a Certificate of Completion for 8 AIA HSW Hours. The program includes tips and study methods to pass the LEED AP exam the first time. Learn from the #1 USGBC Education Partner. This LEED training was developed by the industry's top experts.
$229.00 |
In this 1-hour course we will explore the role of subcontractors and suppliers within the LEED process. We will review documentation submitted for LEED v4 projects such as Health Product Declarations (HPDs). Our team will discuss project team responsibilities and conclude with proven strategies to help you with your LEED v4 projects.
$35.00 |
In this 1-hour, self-paced course, the design professional will establish or reinforce their understanding of the LEED certification process, from designation of the LEED Project Administrator to acceptance of final certification review. The various LEED project team members will be described, including their role on the LEED project and key responsibilities. Project team integration is described, along with the new LEED credit that recognizes the importance of the integrative process.
$35.00 |
This course is written to educate design professionals on the amendments of LEEDv4 in comparison to its earlier editions, and will allow them to understand the core reasons behind these changes. The course delves into LEED EQ Credit: Quality Views in an in depth and comprehensive manner to instruct the professional on the true definition of the credit requirements as well as its intent. The course will also provide strategies for the design professional to successfully incorporate quality views into their designs when applicable to the project.
$35.00 |
LEED v4 has arrived, and with it comes the new EQ Credit: Quality Views. Going beyond the views credits in previous iterations, view quality now plays a prominent role and LEED provides guidance on how quality views can be established.
$35.00 |
In this course, we explore strategies to improve indoor air quality and how to achieve the LEED v4.1 BD+C and ID+C EQ Low-Emitting Materials credit. In addition, we review the applicable requirements such as (CDPH) Standard Method v1.2–2017. Finally, we discuss how buildings with excellent indoor environmental quality protect the health of building occupants.
$45.00 |
This one hour documentary is part two of a case study focusing on an off the grid residence in northern Washington. The course explores how to calculate a solar array, PV panel installation strategies for different types of roofs, harvesting renewable materials on site, and composting toilets vs. septic tanks. Exclusive interviews with solar pioneers Bill and Lanny Sinkin provide insight into the future of solar energy. Interviews with the owners, architect and the construction team will provide an informative narrative on lessons learned during the process.
$19.00 |
In this presentation, we explore how deadly diseases have impacted cities and affected urban planning. We discuss how urbanization contributes to pandemics and how diseases like the bubonic plague, Spanish influenza, and SARS changed how cities operate. Our team will review how hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare projects can decrease risks to patients and healthcare workers. Finally, we will examine how sustainable development may help decrease pandemic risks for future global catastrophes.
$29.00 |
In this course, we describe how design professionals can achieve the LEED v4.1 BD+C and O+M Rainwater Management Credit. In addition, we discuss green infrastructure and low-impact development strategies and how they can help for project sites.
$45.00 |
The impending climate crisis casts a looming shadow over our planet, and the responsibility to avert catastrophe falls upon us all. Design professionals can wield their creative powers to conceive sustainable, resilient, and regenerative solutions before it's too late. Diverting construction waste from landfills and promoting recycling, reuse, and responsible disposal practices can significantly contribute to reducing carbon emissions.
$39.00 |
In a world where climate change rages unchecked, the skies weep acid rain, monstrous storms destroy coastal cities, vibrant communities turn into desert wastelands, millions flee their homes, entire species go extinct, and ecosystems collapse. Renewable energy can play a vital role in addressing these challenges and mitigating the worst effects of climate change. In this course, we explore how renewable energy can help reduce carbon emissions for LEED v4.1 BD+C and ID+C projects and reduce environmental impacts.
$39.00 |
In this course, we describe how design professionals can achieve the LEED v4.1 BD+C Sensitive Land Protection credit and reduce environmental impacts for building sites. We review sensitive land areas including wildlife habitat, wetlands, prime farmland, floodplains, and water bodies.
$45.00 |
In this course, we explain how to achieve the LEED v4.1 BD+C and ID+C MR: Sourcing of Raw Materials credit and how to specify environmentally friendly building materials. We review FSC certification, recycled content, and how bio-based materials could change the future of construction.
$45.00 |
GreenCE offers AIA HSW online continuing education, LEED online courses, ADA online courses, and LEED Exam Prep. GreenCE helps design professionals obtain their AIA HSW hours, LEED-specific hours, barrier-free hours, and IDCEC CE hours. The website delivers LEED Exam Prep for the LEED Green Associate exam, LEED BD+C exam, and LEED O+M exam. The online LEED certification courses educate architects, engineers, interior designers, contractors, and students.
GreenCE is a USGBC Education Partner that offers the only free LEED exam prep in the country. The LEED certification course includes a free LEED exam study guide, free LEED practice questions, and LEED certification tips and strategies. In addition, GreenCE offers free courses for LEED APs to obtain their LEED BD+C hours, LEED ID+C hours, and LEED O+M hours. Most GBCI courses are free and in video format.
GreenCE is an AIA Education Provider and offers free AIA online courses. The free AIA courses are sponsored by building product manufacturers. In addition, the platform offers barrier-free ADA courses for Texas and California architects. Texas barrier-free online courses and California Accessibility courses meet state requirements. TX ADA courses and CA ADA courses are created by the top ADA experts in the country.
Building product manufacturers can get specified by using GreenCE services. GreenCE develops AIA and LEED courses for product manufacturers to educate architects. The online architect courses help build brand awareness about building products. In addition, GreenCE hosts manufacturer webinars for 200-300 architects at a time. The AIA webinars and LEED webinars are free for architects who can learn about various products.
Finally, GreenCE helps manufacturers develop Health Product Declarations (HPDs), LEED v4 product documentation, mindful MATERIALS documentation, Google Portico documentation, and Declare Labels. We value our relationships with design professionals and building product manufacturers. They are crucial to our success.