Low Impact Development: How Permeable Pavers Improve Projects
The TRUEGRID® paving system is a 100% permeable, natural paving alternative to concrete and asphalt. TRUEGRID is as simple to use as interlocking building blocks for the real world. By offering an easily actionable green technology that costs less than concrete, TRUEGRID® works to make an impact now. Less flooding. A more natural landscape. Cleaner air and water. Less heat. Less thermal pollution. Less waste in the landfill. Fewer toxins from runoff pollutants, coal tar & asphalt sealants. Millions of square feet of TRUEGRID® pavers have been installed across the USA. Commercial and industrial parking lots that are ADA accessible, fire lanes, access roads that will last maintenance free for 40 years or more. Aesthetically pleasing and strong enough to support heavy loads and traffic, TRUEGRID® works in all soils and climates.
In this course we explore how Low Impact Development (LID) has several advantages over traditional stormwater management strategies. Our team discusses LID, its goals and principles, and how they are achieved. The course provides an overview of how plastic permeable grid paver systems support LID goals. We review how LID can help reduce environmental impacts and contribute to LEED v4 as well as reduce hazards for site occupants. Finally, our team examines case studies that show how plastic permeable grid paver systems can benefit projects.
- Discuss how Low Impact Development (LID) can help reduce environmental impacts and hazards for site occupants
- Review the benefits of sub-base water detention strategies using plastic permeable grid paver systems and how they reduce land use, save money, and provide safe paths for site occupants
- Compare permeable pavements in terms of cost, performance, and strength
- Describe how plastic permeable grid paver systems may contribute to the LEED ratings system and reduce environmental impacts and improve site occupant comfort