In a world where climate change rages unchecked, the skies weep acid rain, monstrous storms destroy coastal cities, vibrant communities turn into desert wastelands, millions flee their homes, entire species go extinct, and ecosystems collapse. Renewable energy can play a vital role in addressing these challenges and miti...
General Hour
112 Online Courses
In this course, we describe how design professionals can achieve the LEED v4.1 BD+C Sensitive Land Protection credit and reduce environmental impacts for building sites. We review sensitive land areas including wildlife habitat, wetlands, prime farmland, floodplains, and water bodies.
Noise can negatively affect human health and productivity in the workplace. Poor acoustic performance can critically affect learning in schools and impact healing at healthcare facilities. It is imperative that design professionals balance acoustical design strategies when planning systems and indoor spaces. In this pres...
In this course, we explain how to achieve the LEED v4.1 BD+C and ID+C MR: Sourcing of Raw Materials credit and how to specify environmentally friendly building materials. We review FSC certification, recycled content, and how bio-based materials could change the future of construction.
A LEED site assessment evaluates environmental features that the design of a sustainable site and building should take into consideration. A well-developed assessment conducted before or during the conceptual design phase may reduce project costs and risks, promote occupants’ health, and honor a site’s unique characteris...
In this one-hour course our team explores how scientists can help building product manufacturers meet the challenges of LEED v4 MR credits. We discuss how scientists help manufacturers develop product declarations and documentation for LEED v4 projects. We review the obstacles of achieving the LEED v4 BD+C MR credit: Bui...
In this one-hour course our team explores how scientists can help building product manufacturers meet the challenges of LEED v4 MR credits. We discuss how scientists help manufacturers develop product declarations and documentation for LEED v4 projects. We review the obstacles of achieving the LEED v4 BD+C MR credit: Bui...
The average American spends the vast majority of their time indoors. However, most people are not unaware of the numerous chemicals and materials they are exposed to on a daily basis, nor do they understand the hazards associated with these substances. As such, the need for a standardized way of reporting the health impa...
In this course, we review the intent and applications for prerequisites and credits for the LEED v4.1 BD+C EQ category. We discover strategies to designing healthier spaces by improving indoor environmental quality for occupants. We discuss how indoor environmental quality can improve human health and well-being, worker...
Building occupants who can visually connect with outdoor environments while performing everyday tasks experience greater satisfaction, attentiveness, and productivity. In healthcare facilities, providing patients with views and access to nature can shorten hospital stays and reduce stress, depression, and the use of pain...