Turn Up the Heat: Sustainable Tankless Water Heaters

Turn Up the Heat: Sustainable Tankless Water Heaters

to take this course

Water heaters are vital for every building’s operation. However, traditional tank-style water heaters are inefficient, unreliable, and harmful to the environment. Join us in this one-hour course as we discuss the many benefits of tankless water heaters, including lower building emissions and increased occupant health. Participants will encounter real world cost analyses and case studies that incorporate tankless water heaters in a variety of applications.

Learning Objectives: 
  1. Compare and contrast commercial tank and tankless water heaters in terms of durability, sustainability, performance, and space-saving
  2. Identify the environmental benefits of specifying tankless water heaters in commercial applications, including lower building emissions and improved life-cycle costs
  3. Recognize the advantages of commercial tankless water heaters in terms of occupant health and comfort, in accordance with the WELL v2 Water Standard
  4. Develop sustainable projects that utilize commercial tankless water heaters based on case studies from a wide variety of applications
Design Category (CSI Division): 
(22) Plumbing
Delivery Format: 
Narrated Video
Applicable Credits